Conjoint Analysis

A sophisticated technique which provides a simulator that can provide estimates of preference shares with different brand-product-benefit-feature-price combinations. Clients can change levels of attributes and benefits as well as pricing and gauge their impact on preference shares for their brand as well as key competition brands. By calculating brand share potential for different options, an optimum brand offer and price combination can be arrived at, one which yields the maximum profitability through an optimum combination of share and price.

Velocity MR has in-house statisticians and experts that can help clients devise their brand, product and pricing strategies.

Disclaimer: Effective April 1, 2024, Velocity MR (VMR) is fully merged with its parent brand, Markelytics, and all VMR offerings will now be delivered under the Markelytics brand.

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Bigger for Better : Announcing complete operational integration of Velocity MR, the full-service arm of global research organization Markelytics Solutions, to its parent brand, Markelytics. Click the button to explore our unified offerings & capabilities.